Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The new privacy principles protect the rights of the patient with regard to the use of information provided to us and also provide patients with the right to review their own records and correct any issues they believe to be incorrect.

In this practice, all patient information is securely recorded on a computer in files that cannot be erased. In line with best practice, backup copies are made and stored securely. Paper records may consist of the referral correspondence, correspondence received from outside the practice, results that are not directly uploaded to the computer and any handwritten notes that may be taken by the doctor.

In the interests of your health, this information will be sought from you and will be recorded by us. If there is information you do not divulge, that information cannot be considered in the management of your medical problems. Information will be forwarded, in the course of normal medical management, to your referring doctor and any other health care professional you care to nominate. Information you provide will be stored on a database and may be accessible to other doctors associated with this practice who may also provide coverage when your doctor is not available. In compliance with the Commonwealth and State Privacy Acts, this data may also be accessible to our software and hardware managers who have signed confidentiality contracts. Any information you do not want divulged should be clearly identified at the time of consultation. We will routinely correspond with your referring doctor and other health care professionals involved in your treatment, unless otherwise directed not to do so.

As per the appropriate legislation, when we are directed to do so, for legal purposes, information may be divulged to a court or its officers.

The guidelines do provide that where a dispute may arise, the practitioner does have the right of disclosing appropriate information to the medical defense organization, insurance companies, and lawyers, without obtaining prior consent.

The National Privacy Principles provide the patient with the right of access to the information accumulated by this practice. It is our policy that this will be made available to the patient on request. A charge may be rendered to cover the costs of retrieving the information from the computer and for the doctor’s professional time if there is any requirement for the preparation of specific reports.

Our concern is that the best standard of care is provided to you as a patient and that confidentiality be maintained at all times in keeping with the National Privacy Principles and in line with the appropriate legislation. If there are any areas of uncertainty, please discuss the issues with your doctor.

Please Note: This practice does not charge the Medicare Schedule Benefit Fees.

Statement: I certify the above information to be true to the best of my knowledge. I undertake to be responsible for payment of fees except where it has been acknowledged by the practice that full payment of the fees will be accepted from a third-party organization. I accept that a fee may be charged for the collection of overdue fees.

I have been provided with a copy of the practice privacy policy and agree with the management and use of my information under these guidelines.

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